Acumera Tech™ Mobile App User Guide

The Acumera Tech mobile app allows field technicians to activate Acumera Edge Security Devices without having to schedule or call the Acumera Customer Support Center.

Activating on your schedule reduces the time spent onsite and improves your customer’s experience. The app also supports adding notes and photos, which are a critical documentation step after an onsite install.

Coming soon are site filters, additional help resources and automatic updates.

Where to get the app

Search for the Acumera Tech app in your favorite app store or use the links below:


The Acumera Tech mobile app works with the AcuVigil™ Platform to speed up new installations

Simply log in with your AcuVigil Platform dashboard username and password

Scan the Acumera Edge Security Device’s QR code to get started

Upload photos and add notes to the AcuVigil dashboard from the app

View your sites in both map and list formats

Quickly access support resources and training tutorials

Contact the Customer Support Center (CSC) with one-button phone dialing and live chat

User Guide


The Acumera Tech mobile app allows field technicians to activate Acumera Edge Security Devices without having to schedule or call the Acumera NOC. Activating on your schedule reduces the time spent onsite and improves your customer’s experience. The app also supports adding notes and photos, which are a critical documentation step after an onsite install.
The Acumera Tech mobile app works with the AcuVigilTM Platform to speed up new installations.


1 Features of the Acumera Tech Mobile App

  • Simply log in with your AcuVigil Platform dashboard username and password.
  • Scan the Acumera Edge Security Device’s QR code to get started.
  • Upload photos and add notes to the AcuVigil dashboard from the app.
  • View your sites in both map and list formats.
  • Quickly access support resources and training tutorials.
  • Contact the Customer Support Center (CSC) with one-button phone dialing and live chat.

The app will need the following permissions:

  • Location – Find the Acumera sites near your current location
  • Camera – Scan the QR code when setting up the Acumera Authenticator and to take photos for upload
  • Storage – Download notes and save pictures
  • Phone – Make phone calls

Search for the Acumera Tech app in your favorite app store, or use the links below:

First time logging in

After opening the app, read and swipe through the feature summary and click Login on the last page. If you don’t have an AcuVigil™ account, contact your company administrator who will have one created for you.

Log in with your normal AcuVigil login with your email address, password and MFA token or follow the below instructions to have the Acumera Tech app automatically enter your MFA token:

  1. Select Authenticator at the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap the + sign to add a new AcuVigil Authenticator entry
  3. Log into AcuVigil on your mobile or other device
    Note: since you have to enter your MFA token key, this process is easier performed on another device.
    • In the upper, right-hand corner of the AcuVigil window, click the dropdown that contains your name and then click My Account.
    • Click Edit User and then the View Key near the bottom of the screen.
      The page will update with your 16-digit MFA secret key and a QR code. If you ever receive this email without requesting your AcuVigil MFA secret key, please reset your password immediately.

When logging into AcuVigil, did you use your mobile phone or another device?

If you used your mobile phone:

  1. Long press and copy the 16-digit MFA secret key
  2. Return to the Acumera Tech app and tap Enter a setup key
  3. Fill in the Auth key information
    Name: This is a user-assigned, friendly name for this entry.
    Key: Paste the 16-digit AcuVigil MFA secret key that you copied above.
    Set as default login key?: If you want this to be the default login key, tap the slider to enable this option.
  4. Tap Add Key

If you used another device, like a PC, laptop or tablet:

  1. Tap Scan a QR code
  2. Accept any app permission requests
  3. Scan the QR code displayed on your AcuVigil user screen
  4. The token will be automatically added to the AcuVigil Authenticator, will be named AcuVigil, and will display the current MFA token
  5. Tap the MFA token, then the slider for Set as default login key?, and then Update Key
    • Click Login, then enter your normal AcuVigil login credentials, then tap LOG IN (the app will automatically use the MFA token you set up earlier)
    • Upon first login, you will be prompted to enable biometric authentication
      Select Yes or No (if you select YES, you may be prompted to confirm your biometric identity). After you have successfully logged in and enable biometric authentication, you will be able to login in using only your biometric authentication by tapping Touch for biometric authentication from the home screen.
    • As the app logs in the first time, you may be prompted to enable location access

Congratulations, you are now successfully logged in!

Subsequent logins

After the initial login, there are two login options:

  • If you chose to enter your credentials to log into the app, use your normal AcuVigil login, which is your email address, password and MFA token.
  • If you chose to enable biometric login, tap Touch for biometric login, then authenticate using your biometric login (fingerprint or face recognition).

The following settings are available within the app:

  • Authentication – Opens the Acumera Authenticator
  • Log Out – Manually logs you out of the system
  • Clear App Data – This is equivalent to resetting the app and will erase all app data from the device

Upon each successful login, the app will check to see if there is an updated version available. If there is one, you will receive a prompt to update the app. It is strongly recommended that you complete the update when prompted, though you may also cancel out of the app.

The app opens to a map view showing up to 20 sites within a 50-mile radius of your current location.

  • Filter the list of sites using the All/Active/Inactive filters
  • If you receive an error that the app was unable to get your current coordinates, please make sure that your location is turned on and that your app has location permissions

The home page offers several map display controls.

  1. Use the default map view or switch to the optional satellite view
    • Tap the rotation buttons to change the orientation of the 3D satellite view
    • Tap the perspective button to change from 3D satellite to flat view
  2. Make the map full screen by using the full screen icon
  3. Zoom in and out on the map using pinch-to-zoom or the +/- zoom controls
  4. Move the map around by tapping and dragging
  5. Tap the refresh button to update the sites on the map and in the list
    • Use this to load the map and list of sites if you enabled your location services after logging into the app
  6. Access settings by tapping the question mark, which is also available in many other places within the app

To navigate to or call a site, select the site on the map to see the site name, address, and phone number (if available).

  • If present, tap the address to open the location using your mapping application
  • If present, tap the phone number to call the site using your phone dialer

To manage a site:

  • Scroll in the list at the bottom of the map view to find the site
  • Tap the site to open additional options
MG Edge Security Device Activation

To activate an MG edge security device

  1. Go to the Home page of Acumera Tech Mobile App.
  2. Tap the Inactive tab.
  3. Tap Activate MG.
  4. You can activate an Acumera Edge Security Device either by scanning a QR code or manually entering the serial number
    • Scan QR Code – Scan the QR code on the Edge Security Device
    • Type Serial Number – Type the 12-digit serial number of the Edge Security Device, then press Save.
  5. Tap Check MG Status.
  6. The app will confirm that the Edge Security Device is online, and the Installation Safety Notice prompt will appear.
  7. Tap Read to review the installation safety notice and Continue to process.
  8. If you need to rescan the QR code or retype the serial number, tap Re-Scan or Re-Type.
  9. On the Edge Security Device itself, confirm that the Cloud light is solid on.
    • If it is, tap Yes, the light is solid on.
    • If it is not, tap No, the light is off, and a prompt will appear with further options, which include: Watch – Opens Acumera installation videos in your default web browser. Chat with Acumera NOC – Opens a chat window with the Acumera NOC. Call Acumera NOC – Calls the Acumera NOC using your phone dialer (you may have to accept phone permissions) Cancel
  10. Choose a LAN numbering template.
  11. Select a template from the drop-down box, then click OK.
  12. Tap Activate Site.
    • Do not go back to the previous screen or close the app. You may lock your phone or minimize the app, and you will receive a notification once the activation is finished.
    • The activation process will take a few minutes, then a popup and notification will confirm that the process is successful.
Photo Management

To view or add photos to the site in AcuVigil

  1. On the Acumera Tech Mobile App’s dashboard, tap the device where you want to upload photos.
  2. Tap Photos.
  3. Tap the + icon to add a photo.
  4. The following screen is displayed. In the Description text field, enter a detailed description of the photo (maximum character length).
  5. Tap Attach Photo.
  6. The following dialog box is displayed. Tap Allow.
  7. Tap From Photos to add an existing photo (you may have to accept storage or photos and media permissions).
  8. Tap Take Picture to take a new picture.
  9. Tap Save Photo to upload the photo to AcuVigil (this may take a few moments depending upon the photo size and mobile device internet-connection speed.
  10. Refresh photos – Tap the refresh icon in the upper right to refresh the list of photos.
Notes Management

To view or add notes to the site in AcuVigil

  1. Go to the Home page of Acumera Tech Mobile App.
  2. Tap Notes.
  3. Tap the + icon.
  4. In the Topic text field, enter the topic (note title). In the Note text field, enter the note details. Tap Add Attachment to add an attachment. Accepted types are bmp, jpg, pdf, doc.
  5. Tap Browse to browse files on the mobile device Tap Take Photo or Video to click photo or record video.

To update or refresh notes related to the site in AcuVigil

  1. Under Notes, tap the existing note.
  2. In the Topic text field, modify the topic (note title). In the Note text field, modify the note details. Tap Update Note.
  3. Tap the refresh icon in the upper right to refresh the list of notes.

To delete notes

  1. Under Notes, tap the existing note.
  2. Tap Delete Note.
  3. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Tap Yes.
  • If you receive an error that the app was unable to get your current coordinates, make sure that your location is turned on and that your app has location permissions
  • If you wish to enable biometric authentication but did not select that option initially, you need to set up the Authenticator first
  • If you receive an error when tapping the Touch for biometric authentication option, log in with your AcuVigil credentials and the prompt to enable biometric authentication will appear
  • If you receive a biometrics authentication error, add a default authentication key to the Authenticator
  • If you receive a login error, confirm that your username, password and 2FA code are correct
  • To send feedback, please send an email to

The following resources are available to you within the app:

  • Call the CSC – Calls to the Acumera Customer Support Center using your phone dialer – (512) 687-7401 (you may have to accept phone permissions)
  • Chat with the CSC – Opens a chat window with the Acumera Customer Support Center
  • Watch Tutorials – Opens Acumera installation videos in your default web browser
  • Email Support –

The Acumera Tech mobile app allows field technicians to activate Acumera Edge Security Devices without having to schedule or call the Acumera NOC. Activating on your schedule reduces the time spent onsite and improves your customer’s experience. The app also supports adding notes and photos, which are a critical documentation step after an onsite install.

The Acumera Tech mobile app works with the AcuVigil™ Platform to speed up new installations.


1 Features of the Acumera Tech Mobile App

  • Simply log in with your AcuVigil Platform dashboard username and password.
  • Scan the Acumera Edge Security Device’s QR code to get started.
  • Upload photos and add notes to the AcuVigil dashboard from the app.
  • View your sites in both map and list formats.
  • Quickly access support resources and training tutorials.
  • Contact the Customer Support Center (CSC) with one-button phone dialing and live chat.

The app will need the following permissions:

  • Location – Find the Acumera sites near your current location
  • Camera – Scan the QR code when setting up the Acumera Authenticator and to take photos for upload
  • Storage – Download notes and save pictures
  • Phone – Make phone calls

Search for the Acumera Tech app in your favorite app store, or use the links below:

First time logging in

Before logging in, ensure that you have an AcuVigil™ account, and your administrator has set your role to either “Installer” or “Admin” in the AcuVigil™ dashboard. Without the correct role, you will not be permitted to log into the app. If you are unsure of your role, contact your company administrator for assistance.

After verifying your role, open the Acumera Tech™ app, read and swipe through the feature summary, then tap LOGIN on the last page.

Login using your AcuVigil credentials: your email address, password, and MFA token or follow the steps below to have the Acumera Tech app automatically enter your MFA token:

  1. Select Authenticator at the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap the + sign to add a new AcuVigil Authenticator entry
  3. Log into AcuVigil on your mobile or other device
    Note: since you have to enter your MFA token key, this process is easier performed on another device.
    • In the upper, right-hand corner of the AcuVigil window, click the dropdown that contains your name and then click My Account.
    • Click Edit User and then the View Key near the bottom of the screen.
      The page will update with your 16-digit MFA secret key and a QR code. If you ever receive this email without requesting your AcuVigil MFA secret key, please reset your password immediately.

When logging into AcuVigil, did you use your mobile phone or another device?

If you used your mobile phone:

  1. Long press and copy the 16-digit MFA secret key
  2. Return to the Acumera Tech app and tap Enter a setup key
  3. Fill in the Auth key information
    Name: This is a user-assigned, friendly name for this entry.
    Key: Paste the 16-digit AcuVigil MFA secret key that you copied above.
    Set as default login key?: If you want this to be the default login key, tap the slider to enable this option.
  4. Tap Add Key

If you used another device, like a PC, laptop or tablet:

  1. Tap Scan a QR code
  2. Accept any app permission requests
  3. Scan the QR code displayed on your AcuVigil user screen
  4. The token will be automatically added to the AcuVigil Authenticator, will be named AcuVigil, and will display the current MFA token
  5. Tap the MFA token, then the slider for Set as default login key?, and then Update Key
    • Click Login, then enter your normal AcuVigil login credentials, then tap LOG IN (the app will automatically use the MFA token you set up earlier)
    • Upon first login, you will be prompted to enable biometric authentication
      Select Yes or No (if you select YES, you may be prompted to confirm your biometric identity). After you have successfully logged in and enable biometric authentication, you will be able to login in using only your biometric authentication by tapping Touch for biometric authentication from the home screen.
    • As the app logs in the first time, you may be prompted to enable location access

Congratulations, you are now successfully logged in!

Subsequent logins

After the initial login, there are two login options:

  • If you chose to enter your credentials to log into the app, use your normal AcuVigil login, which is your email address, password and MFA token.
  • If you chose to enable biometric login, tap Touch for biometric login, then authenticate using your biometric login (fingerprint or face recognition).

The following settings are available within the app:

  • Authentication – Opens the Acumera Authenticator
  • Log Out – Manually logs you out of the system
  • Clear App Data – This is equivalent to resetting the app and will erase all app data from the device

Upon each successful login, the app will check to see if there is an updated version available. If there is one, you will receive a prompt to update the app. It is strongly recommended that you complete the update when prompted, though you may also cancel out of the app.

The app opens to a map view showing up to 20 sites within a 50-mile radius of your current location.

  • Filter the list of sites using the All/Active/Inactive filters
  • If you receive an error that the app was unable to get your current coordinates, please make sure that your location is turned on and that your app has location permissions.

The home page offers several map display controls.

  1. Use the default map view or switch to the optional satellite view
    • Tap the rotation buttons to change the orientation of the 3D satellite view
    • Tap the perspective button to change from 3D satellite to flat view
  2. Make the map full screen by using the full screen icon
  3. Zoom in and out on the map using pinch-to-zoom or the +/- zoom controls
  4. Move the map around by tapping and dragging
  5. Tap the refresh button to update the sites on the map and in the list
    • Use this to load the map and list of sites if you enabled your location services after logging into the app
  6. Access settings by tapping the question mark, which is also available in many other places within the app

To navigate to or call a site, select the site on the map to see the site name, address, and phone number (if available).

  • If present, tap the address to open the location using your mapping application
  • If present, tap the phone number to call the site using your phone dialer

To manage a site:

  • Scroll in the list at the bottom of the map view to find the site
  • Tap the site to open additional options
MG Edge Security Device Activation

To activate an MG edge security device

  1. Go to the Home page of Acumera Tech Mobile App.
  2. Tap the Inactive tab.
  3. Tap Activate MG.
  4. You can activate an Acumera Edge Security Device either by scanning a QR code or manually entering the serial number
    • Scan QR Code – Scan the QR code on the Edge Security Device
    • Type Serial Number – Type the 12-digit serial number of the Edge Security Device, then press Save.
      usage-location-img usage-location-img
  5. Tap Check MG Status.
  6. The app will confirm that the Edge Security Device is online, and the Installation Safety Notice prompt will appear.
  7. Tap Read to review the installation safety notice and Continue to process.
  8. If you need to rescan the QR code or retype the serial number, tap Re-Scan or Re-Type.
  9. On the Edge Security Device itself, confirm that the Cloud light is solid on.
    • If it is, tap Yes, the light is solid on.
    • If it is not, tap No, the light is off, and a prompt will appear with further options, which include: Watch – Opens Acumera installation videos in your default web browser. Chat with Acumera NOC – Opens a chat window with the Acumera NOC. Call Acumera NOC – Calls the Acumera NOC using your phone dialer (you may have to accept phone permissions) Cancel
  10. Choose a LAN numbering template.
  11. Select a template from the drop-down box, then click OK.
  12. Tap Activate Site.
    • Do not go back to the previous screen or close the app. You may lock your phone or minimize the app, and you will receive a notification once the activation is finished.
    • The activation process will take a few minutes, then a popup and notification will confirm that the process is successful.
Photo Management

To view or add photos to the site in AcuVigil

  1. On the Acumera Tech Mobile App’s dashboard, tap the device where you want to upload photos.
  2. Tap Photos.
  3. Tap the + icon to add a photo.
  4. The following screen is displayed. In the Description text field, enter a detailed description of the photo (maximum character length).
  5. Tap Attach Photo.
  6. The following dialog box is displayed. Tap Allow.
  7. Tap From Photos to add an existing photo (you may have to accept storage or photos and media permissions).
  8. Tap Take Picture to take a new picture.
  9. Tap Save Photo to upload the photo to AcuVigil (this may take a few moments depending upon the photo size and mobile device internet-connection speed.
  10. Refresh photos – Tap the refresh icon in the upper right to refresh the list of photos.
Notes Management

To view or add notes to the site in AcuVigil

  1. Go to the Home page of Acumera Tech Mobile App.
  2. Tap Notes.
  3. Tap the + icon.
  4. In the Topic text field, enter the topic (note title). In the Note text field, enter the note details. Tap Add Attachment to add an attachment. Accepted types are bmp, jpg, pdf, doc.
  5. Tap Browse to browse files on the mobile device Tap Take Photo or Video to click photo or record video.

To update or refresh notes related to the site in AcuVigil

  1. Under Notes, tap the existing note.
  2. In the Topic text field, modify the topic (note title). In the Note text field, modify the note details. Tap Update Note.
  3. Tap the refresh icon in the upper right to refresh the list of notes.

To delete notes

  1. Under Notes, tap the existing note.
  2. Tap Delete Note.
  3. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Tap Yes.
  • If you receive an error that the app was unable to get your current coordinates, make sure that your location is turned on and that your app has location permissions
  • If you wish to enable biometric authentication but did not select that option initially, you need to set up the Authenticator first
  • If you receive an error when tapping the Touch for biometric authentication option, log in with your AcuVigil credentials and the prompt to enable biometric authentication will appear
  • If you receive a biometrics authentication error, add a default authentication key to the Authenticator
  • If you receive a login error, confirm that your username, password and 2FA code are correct
  • To send feedback, please send an email to

The following resources are available to you within the app:

  • Call the CSC – Calls to the Acumera Customer Support Center using your phone dialer – (512) 687-7401 (you may have to accept phone permissions)
  • Chat with the CSC – Opens a chat window with the Acumera Customer Support Center
  • Watch Tutorials – Opens Acumera installation videos in your default web browser
  • Email Support –


Acumera Tech™ Mobile App for Quick Onsite Installations

The Acumera Tech mobile app helps onsite installers quickly and securely activate Acumera Edge Security Devices

Acumera Tech Mobile App Image
AcuVigil Platform on Monitor

Simply log in with your AcuVigil™ Platform dashboard username and password

Scan the Acumera Edge Security Device’s QR code to get started

Upload photos and add notes to the AcuVigil dashboard from the app

View your sites in both map and list formats

Quickly access support resources and training tutorials

Contact the Customer Support Center (CSC) with one-button phone dialing and live chat

Download on the App Store badge
Get it on Google Play badge

App Store® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. | Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

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