The Acumera Tech mobile app allows field technicians to activate Acumera Edge Security Devices without having to schedule or call the Acumera Customer Support Center.
Activating on your schedule reduces the time spent onsite and improves your customer’s experience. The app also supports adding notes and photos, which are a critical documentation step after an onsite install.
Coming soon are site filters, additional help resources and automatic updates.
Search for the Acumera Tech app in your favorite app store or use the links below:
Simply log in with your AcuVigil Platform dashboard username and password
Scan the Acumera Edge Security Device’s QR code to get started
Upload photos and add notes to the AcuVigil dashboard from the app
View your sites in both map and list formats
Quickly access support resources and training tutorials
Contact the Customer Support Center (CSC) with one-button phone dialing and live chat
The Acumera Tech mobile app allows field technicians to activate Acumera Edge Security Devices without having to schedule or call the Acumera NOC. Activating on your schedule reduces the time spent onsite and improves your customer’s experience. The app also supports adding notes and photos, which are a critical documentation step after an onsite install.
The Acumera Tech mobile app works with the AcuVigilTM Platform to speed up new installations.
1 Features of the Acumera Tech Mobile App
The app will need the following permissions:
Search for the Acumera Tech app in your favorite app store, or use the links below:
After opening the app, read and swipe through the feature summary and click Login on the last page. If you don’t have an AcuVigil™ account, contact your company administrator who will have one created for you.
Log in with your normal AcuVigil login with your email address, password and MFA token or follow the below instructions to have the Acumera Tech app automatically enter your MFA token:
When logging into AcuVigil, did you use your mobile phone or another device?
If you used your mobile phone:
If you used another device, like a PC, laptop or tablet:
Congratulations, you are now successfully logged in!
After the initial login, there are two login options:
The following settings are available within the app:
Upon each successful login, the app will check to see if there is an updated version available. If there is one, you will receive a prompt to update the app. It is strongly recommended that you complete the update when prompted, though you may also cancel out of the app.
The app opens to a map view showing up to 20 sites within a 50-mile radius of your current location.
The home page offers several map display controls.
To navigate to or call a site, select the site on the map to see the site name, address, and phone number (if available).
To manage a site:
To activate an MG edge security device
To view or add photos to the site in AcuVigil
To view or add notes to the site in AcuVigil
To update or refresh notes related to the site in AcuVigil
To delete notes
The following resources are available to you within the app:
The Acumera Tech mobile app allows field technicians to activate Acumera Edge Security Devices without having to schedule or call the Acumera NOC. Activating on your schedule reduces the time spent onsite and improves your customer’s experience. The app also supports adding notes and photos, which are a critical documentation step after an onsite install.
The Acumera Tech mobile app works with the AcuVigil™ Platform to speed up new installations.
1 Features of the Acumera Tech Mobile App
The app will need the following permissions:
Search for the Acumera Tech app in your favorite app store, or use the links below:
Before logging in, ensure that you have an AcuVigil™ account, and your administrator has set your role to either “Installer” or “Admin” in the AcuVigil™ dashboard. Without the correct role, you will not be permitted to log into the app. If you are unsure of your role, contact your company administrator for assistance.
After verifying your role, open the Acumera Tech™ app, read and swipe through the feature summary, then tap LOGIN on the last page.
Login using your AcuVigil credentials: your email address, password, and MFA token or follow the steps below to have the Acumera Tech app automatically enter your MFA token:
When logging into AcuVigil, did you use your mobile phone or another device?
If you used your mobile phone:
If you used another device, like a PC, laptop or tablet:
Congratulations, you are now successfully logged in!
After the initial login, there are two login options:
The following settings are available within the app:
Upon each successful login, the app will check to see if there is an updated version available. If there is one, you will receive a prompt to update the app. It is strongly recommended that you complete the update when prompted, though you may also cancel out of the app.
The app opens to a map view showing up to 20 sites within a 50-mile radius of your current location.
The home page offers several map display controls.
To navigate to or call a site, select the site on the map to see the site name, address, and phone number (if available).
To manage a site:
To activate an MG edge security device
To view or add photos to the site in AcuVigil
To view or add notes to the site in AcuVigil
To update or refresh notes related to the site in AcuVigil
To delete notes
The following resources are available to you within the app:
The Acumera Tech mobile app helps onsite installers quickly and securely activate Acumera Edge Security Devices
Simply log in with your AcuVigil™ Platform dashboard username and password
Scan the Acumera Edge Security Device’s QR code to get started
Upload photos and add notes to the AcuVigil dashboard from the app
View your sites in both map and list formats
Quickly access support resources and training tutorials
Contact the Customer Support Center (CSC) with one-button phone dialing and live chat
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