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Acumera launches Verifone Commander POS backup service that backs up the Verifone Commander POS configuration files

The Acumera Verifone Commander POS backup service reduces store downtime during a Verifone Commander reload and protects sales and brand reputation.

Austin, Texas – June 29, 2021 – Acumera, a leading network operation, visualization, and security services provider, announced the launch of its new Verifone Commander POS backup service. This offering, managed through a containerized edge computing workload in Acumera’s AcuVigil™ dashboard, backs up the Verifone Commander point-of-sale (POS) configuration files to a cloud-based storage location.

Acumera Verifone Commander POS Backup Service

According to Roberto Chang, Acumera’s EVP, Operations, “the Acumera Verifone Commander POS backup service ensures stores always have an up-to-date POS backup and enables easy identification and correction of misconfigurations. This results in reduced store downtime by 3 to 5 hours during a Verifone Commander reload and protection of sales and brand reputation.”

Acumera’s Verifone Commander POS backup service provides daily backup of POS configuration files, backup retention for 180 days (with the most current file stored indefinitely), notification of configuration file changes, and downloadable backup configuration files. It can be accessed by in-house and third-party service company VASCs through the AcuVigil dashboard and complies with Verifone SMS Import Export utility standards to successfully get the POS back online. When combined with Acumera’s AcuLink™ Remote Access Service, the workload enables junior technicians to perform an onsite Commander reload while senior techs restore the data remotely.

The new workload is part of Acumera’s full suite of cloud-based containerized edge computing workloads for security, monitoring, compliance and analytics of the digital estate. Acumera is also a Verifone and Gilbarco certified managed network service provider (MNSP) and is listed on the Visa and MasterCard Global Registries of PCI compliant service providers.

To find out more about the Verifone Commander POS backup service, stores can visit or contact Acumera at 512.687.7410

About Acumera

Acumera is the leading supplier of network operation, visualization, and security services via orchestration of business, networking, and security workloads in the cloud, near the edge and at the edge. Acumera fully secures entire networks, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and IoT devices and safeguards sensitive data, maximizes uptime, provides device-level visibility, and simplifies compliance for businesses in the convenience store, petroleum, restaurant, retail, unmanned parking, and other industries. Acumera’s robust, scalable platform provides a full suite of containerized edge computing workloads for security, monitoring, management, analytics, loyalty programs, and more. Acumera is listed on the Visa and MasterCard Global Registries of PCI compliant service providers. Learn more at

Acumera, AcuVigil, AcuLink and the Acumera logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Acumera Inc. in the United States and other countries.

Verifone and Verifone Commander are registered trademarks of Verifone, Inc.

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