Frequently Asked Questions

Credit Card Data Detection

What is it?

Credit Card Data Detection (CCDD) is one of the many services Acumera offers to help protect your business. CCDD monitors for the presence or absence of data that we believe to be Credit Card transactions. 

How does it work?

Acumera Managed Firewalls have a Rule or “Policy” which allows traffic from your Point of Sale System through the firewall to your Processor’s web address – CCDD simply monitors the traffic logs for this policy. 

Since it can be safely assumed that nearly all of the traffic between your POS system and the Payment Processor will represent transactions, we can determine whether or not payments are being processed in a secure manner at your location. 

When CCDD reads no new traffic for 72 hours, an alert is generated and you will receive an email.

What does it mean?

In short, it usually means one of the following:

  • No transactions are occurring at the store
    • In this case, no action is required on your part. 
  • Transactions are occurring, but they are not going through the firewall (in other words, the firewall has been bypassed)
    • In this case, it is critical that the POS system be reconnected through the firewall to ensure continued protection of your business. 

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